You May Be Entitled to REFUNDS in excess of $40,000

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Why Choose DDG

Our ‘Holistic Approach’ of investigation-assessment-recovery-future planning, enables us to cover a wide spectrum of our client’s needs and is representative...

Our client’s appreciate that we listen and then develop a personal plan from the information we are provided. Our organization is here to communicate, advocate and support people through information, education, and active planning. We take the time to teach people that these services exist and how much value they possess.

We have the understanding, knowledge and compassion to professionally analyze each individual’s situation, and to execute a plan to improve their circumstances. If you would like to know more please fill out the free Eligibility Assessment and one of our Disability Credit Specialists will give you a call once we receive it.

Specialists in Disability Tax Credit Refunds

Find out if you're eligible. Start your Free Assessment right now!